Friday, January 4, 2008

The Health and Fitness "Habit"

Well, as you may have guessed... I didn't work out yesterday. Why not I asked myself? After 2 years of regular fitness workouts and great nutrition with only a few months (albeit the last few months of 2007) of sporadic workouts, what is happening? Two days in a row without a regular fitness routine incorporated into my life...

All other excuses aside, the only answer is that I have fallen off "the Health and Fitness Habit" wagon. Now it is day 3 with my workout clothes on - and no matter what, I am committed to getting back on that "Health and Fitness Habit" wagon. When I was on it previously, I always put my workout clothes on first thing in the morning to ensure that I would do my workout after waking up. I am still doing this and I find that it really helps.

The kids have been home for Xmas holidays and they are constant distractions. When they are back at school and daycare on Monday, I will have no excuse other than not getting back into "The Health and Fitness Habit". No one to blame, no circumstances to blame, it will just be me who has not lived up to my health and fitness goals and commitments to myself. I will have to take charge and develop the constant habit that I lost in the last few months of 2007.

So, with New Year's only 4 days ago, I may need a little encouragement to start up the 2008 Health and Fitness momentum. So help me out. Send me your health, fitness and wellness goals and also your best advice on how to stay on the right track.

Until tomorrow ... the clothes are on and I am ready to go!

Sandy Huard, President, Women's Health Supply International

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