Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Benefits of Yoga

Too often, people begin to have back problems as they age. One probable reason is a weakness in your core area (your abdominals and lower back). One great exercise that helps you to build strength in your core and significantly improve your posture is Yoga. This practice also gives you a more elongated look, increases your flexibility, builds muscle tone and can significantly reduce your stress levels as well.

For a guide to popular Yoga styles, such as Hatha, Iyengar, Ashtanga and Kundalini, visit

Aside from providing all the great benefits mentioned previously, yoga is great fun and can be a great workout as well. If you'd like to work out at home and are new to yoga, try some of the DVD's offered by GAIAM for your Mind, Body and Health. I am a newbie myself, however I find the instructions in the DVD's for Beginners to be easy to follow and very well explained.

Of course, if you are more advanced and can't get to a class, you can also find a great selection of intermediate and advanced DVD's as well. You'll even find DVD's for kids.

Yoga Journal is a great place to start if you want to learn more about Yoga and its meditative, health, and other great benefits. You can also order a subscription online to the magazine, which is excellent.

Until tomorrow, have a great night!

Sandy Huard, President, Women's Health Supply International

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