Thursday, February 7, 2008

The 6-Minute Abdominal Blasting Workout

Here is a 6-minute abdominal workout that really works:

  1. Start with basic crunches. With hands behind your head or at the sides of your head and with legs bent and your feet flat on the floor, try to do 50 slow repetitions. Next add 20 repetitions of the Russian Twist, which consists of raising your shoulders off the ground and slowly twisting your torso from side to side. In this variation of the basic crunch, your right elbow should turn toward your left knee and your left elbow should turn toward your right knee. Be sure to use strict form.
  2. Next, move quickly into leg raises. Extend your legs in front of you, making sure that your feet do not touch the floor. Start with your feet together about six inches off of the floor and then raise them to a 45-degree angle. Keep your hands at your sides. Be sure to use your abdominals, not your back muscles throughout this exercise. Do 25 repetitions if possible.
  3. Back into another set of 50 basic crunches and 20 crunches with the Russian Twist.
  4. Next move into a set of pikes (or v-raises). Lie on your back with your arms and legs extended. Raise both your arms and legs at the same time and try to touch your toes. Repeat for 25 repetitions. On the last repetition, leave your legs straight up in the air so your toes are pointing toward the ceiling. Do 30 crunches using proper form.
  5. Back into another set of 50 basic crunches and 20 crunches with the Russian Twist.

The abdominal workout just described is advanced, so do your best and work up to the number of repetitions over the next 2-3 weeks. Before you know it, you will be able to do the entire routine in the recommended 6 minutes. You will feel fantastic and look great and you will have improved your core strength considerably. This will help keep your back injury free as well.

I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was sick in bed most of the day. Even if one of your goals is to be healthy, those viruses don't seem to care.

Until tomorrow!

Sandy Huard, President, Women's Health Supply International

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